Online Exhibition
「市建掇英 URA's Got Talent」展覽由市區重建局主辦,展出由市建局同事及家人以「社區與我」為題材創作的攝影及多媒體作品。展覽同時慶祝市建局成立20周年,透過展示市建局過去20年的里程碑,包括重建發展、樓宇復修、保育活化及改造重設工作方面的成績,在可持續發展原則的市區更新下,為社區帶來更多裨益,改善區內居民的生活環境。
URA's Got Talent exhibition is an exhibition organised by the Urban Renewal Authority (URA),
displaying photography and multi-media artworks with the theme of "community and me" created by URA staff and their family members. This year, the exhibition also celebrates the 20th anniversary of the URA by presenting a timeline with the various milestones over the past 20 years, showcasing its achievements in redevelopment, rehabilitation, preservation, revitalisation, retrofitting, as well as its sustainable approach to create a quality and vibrant urban living in Hong Kong.